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Compatible replacement.
Orginal Brand (OEM) | Gardner Denver |
OEM Code | 223193 |
Part | in-line-filter |
Price | 39.56 € |
Type of spare part |
Alternative / Compatible Do you need the original one? We have it! Just ask us. |
In stock |
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Can be shipped | Worldwide Ask for shipment quote |
Country of origin | Europe › Italy Ask for real-time confirmation |
Our alternative filters for compressors and vacuum pumps meet or exceed Original Equipment Manufacturer's specifications. They are specifically designed to fit your equipment and offer the same filtration performance as the original ones.
Our alternative spare parts guarantee improved performance, since they are built with the highest quality materials and are manufactured with the highest quality standards.
We are specialized in filtration and we can provide both original and alternative spare parts for your compressors.
If you have any question, just contact us: